What is Physics?

In Feynman's terms it is:

Understanding the nature

An example can be helpful...
Suppose we do not know the rules of chess but are allowed to watch the moves of the players. If we watch the games for a long time (few hundred years!), we may make out some of the rules. With the knowlegde of these rules we may try to understand why a player played a particular move.

It is exactly what we do in physics.

We notice what happens in real world, we study things and then we try to find what are the rules this whole world follows. This is what PHYSICS really is!

To do physics we need two things (mainly):

  • Our Imagination.

  • Labratory for Experiments.

Now for the first one its fine. But for the second one, I can't do anything. So, we will be using a bit of coding (mostly: Julia and Python). F*ck Newton

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CC BY-SA 4.0 Kazi Abu Rousan. Last modified: August 31, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.